
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Swim Lessons

I recently started the kids in swim lessons at a nearby pool.  Kate had only taken one Mommy & Me swim class previously (which she did not enjoy) and Jack had not taken any lessons.  So I figured it was time to bite the bullet and get the process started!  Luckily I was able to get them both in to our local KinderSwimmer program which allows them to be in the same class together.  Plus they have smaller class sizes so they get more one-on-one time with the teacher and the pool is nice and warm!  They were both very excited to get started:

But that excitement quickly went away after we started the first lesson.  When we arrived at the pool, the coach showed me how to strap on foam floaties to their backs and stomachs to help them float while they get used to the water.  So we got Jack all situated and then had him sit on the side of the pool while we tended to Kate.  Well, while we were focused on Kate, Jack decided to jump in.  He went all the way under and then was floating face down for a second or two until the coach grabbed him.  So he was completely freaked out and upset for the remainder of the class.  This obviously did not put Kate at ease and she shed some tears throughout the class as well.  Mommy did not have much fun!

But by the time the second class rolled around, Kate was once again excited to go.  Jack was not.  He said "I'm going to stay home with Daddy".  But we managed to get him in the car and after lots of convincing got him back in the pool.  This time they both had a great time and made a ton of progress.  Their coach is really great with them and they both like him a lot.  So they seem willing to try anything he asks them to do.    Let's hope that continues!

We still have a long way to go, but we are at least starting to make some progress!


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